News & Events

March 26, 2023

Appointment of the new Grand Master and the first Grand Patriarch

On March 26, 2023, the office of Grand Master of Ordo Astrum Sophiae was duly transferred from William Stoltz to Derik Richards, formerly the Order’s Prior and Associate Grand Master.

William Stoltz has thus assumed the newly-created role of “Grand Patriarch”, in which capacity he will continue to counsel the College of Thrones and provide guidance to the comites of OAS overall.


June 20, 2021

Establishment of the House of Topaz in New York City, USA

 The House of Topaz is an initiatory vehicle centered upon the Hermetic Gnosis. The aspirant develops a foundation of magical workings within a spiritual and philosophical background in order to achieve clarity of vision and understanding what the Great Work is, how it is communicated to those who want to know and how it is accomplished. True to the Way of Hermes, the initiate, along with enhanced practices then begins harmonizing the inner/microcosm with the outer/Macrocosm through the high Art of Planetary Workings so that: “the powers within me chant in harmony with Thy will.” Eventually through more advanced transformative Rites the adept’s Path aims to culminate in the noetic vision and finally in the mystical union with the Divine (unio mystica). Our term for this is the Palingenesis, the Regeneration. The master of the House of Topaz has over 50 years of study and practice of the esoteric traditions of the world. Serious aspirants contact this House at email:


December 2020

Establishment of the House of Agathodaimon in Germany

 The Citadel of Pharos, as established originally by Ordo Rosa Solis, has been reestablished within Ordo Astrum Sophiae and reconstituted as the House of Agathodaimon in Germany. The House of Agathodaimon is committed to the ideals of the Ogdoadic Tradition and the pursuit of the completion of the Great Work. As a manifestation of the Ogdoadic tradition in Germany, it serves to contact and advise seekers on the path. The House is authorized to conduct initiations into the First and Second Halls. The House of Agathodaimon is the focal point of the Ordo Astrum Sophiae in Europe. Both through work in the temple and through exchange in conversation, the tradition is brought to life. The master of the house has studied the Western Mystery Tradition for more than 15 years. He has a background in clinical psychology with an emphasis on Carl Gustav Jung. He also has a hypnotherapeutic background. Contact:


December 2013

Succession of the Commandery of Albion

 The Chiefs of the Commandery of Albion are empowered to establish and govern an autonomous and contacted Order of the Ogdoadic Tradition of the Western Mysteries in direct spiritual succession from Ordo Astrum Sophiae, with the right to administer all degrees and to appoint all officers, establish or revise all rites and to authorize its own affiliated bodies.


January 6, 2012

Establishment of the House of Athanaton Soma in Buenos Aires, Argentina

 The Citadel was elevated to House status thanks to the dedication and ongoing practice of the companions of Athanaton Soma under the leadership of the Master of the House.


April 2011

Establishment of a Citadel in Manitoba, Canada

 The Citadel of the White Stag is officially established to represent the Ordo Astrum Sophiae in the prairie provinces of Canada’s West, and is based in Winnipeg, MB, Canada.  The Chiefs of the White Stag have more than a decade of experience in ceremonial magic as well as a teaching background. The White Stag is committed to the advancement of its members in the Spiritual Alchemy of Hermetic Gnosis.


February 2, 2011

Establishment of a Citadel in New York, USA

The House of The Agathodaimon was established in Long Island. The House of The Agathodaimon offered a serious yet jovial atmosphere for the study and pursuit of the Ogdoadic Regenerative Mystery tradition in addition to the manifestation of the Glorious Star. Together, as Adepti in other Orders, the Chiefs of the House have over 25 years of Magical experience.


December 21, 2010

Establishment of a Citadel in Buenos Aires, Argentina

 The Commandery of Albion is pleased to announce the establishment of the Citadel Athanaton Soma in Buenos Aires, Argentina. In recognition of his service to the Ogdoadic Mysteries, our Companion has been given permission to found a working group dedicated to transmission of the Hermetic Gnosis within Latin America. Inquiries in Spanish are welcome, but please note that curriculum materials are currently only available in English, so a good English reading ability is essential. 


June 21, 2009

Establishment of The Commandery of Albion

 The Chiefs of The House of Thoth of Malvern England were granted the status for a Full and Sovereign Commandery, The Commandery of Albion, of the Ordo Astrum Sophiae. The Chiefs of the Commandery of Albion, for their quality of Life, Learning and Dedication to the Ogdoadic Mysteries of the Western Esoteric Tradition, are fully authorized to transmit the degrees and teachings of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Halls of the Ogdoadic Mysteries in accordance with the tradition and constitution of the Ordo Astrum Sophiae. This, under special provisions, also permits said Commandery and House, to perform 3rd Hall workings exclusive to the vitality and mysteries of the Stella Gloriosa and to establish associate Houses in accordance with the O.A.S. Constitution. So it is, so shall it be, in the Light of the Glorious Star.


The House of Mithras: Sweden

 The House of Mithras is established in Sweden and is now accepting serious inquires. The Chiefs of the House have been dedicated practitioners of Ogdoadic magic for thirty years and are fluent in English, Swedish, German and French.


April 2009

Opening of an Astrum Sophia Citadel in Phoenix, Arizona, USA

 The Citadel of Adocentyn has been officially established in Phoenix, Arizona. The Citadel is a small working group devoted to the Hermetic Gnosis of the Ogdoadic Tradition as crystallized within the Astrum Sophia. Inquiries should be directed to


August 2007

Regarding the Ordo Astrum Sophiae and the Higher Mystical Grades

 We would like to respond to recent comments on the Aurum Solis website regarding the transmission of Adeptus Plenus and other mystical grades by the Ordo Astrum Sophiae.

As an autonomous and sovereign Order working within the Greater Ogdoadic Hermetic Tradition, we exercise the right to change, fashion and transmit any advanced degrees within our Order that we see fit.  As a well established, authentically contacted Order it is a simple fact that we have, not only the authority,  but the capacity to transmit mystical degrees within the Astrum Sophia and Ogdoadic Tradition.  We do not claim or want the right to do so within the Aurum Solis and cannot understand how implementation of our higher degrees could be objectionable to any other order.

It should also be understood that the Astrum Sophia does not consider its higher degrees necessary for the spiritual growth of its Adepts.  These degrees are reserved for those few individuals who exhibit extraordinary dedication to the continuance and life of the Tradition.

Finally, if it is to remain a conduit for a living current, every tradition must change and evolve. The current Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn is a good example, having generated offshoots such as Dion Fortune’s Fraternity of the Inner Light and W.E. Butler’s Servants of the Light. The Ogdoadic Tradition is going through a similar transformation, as it has times in the past. This process should be encouraging to the Aurum Solis, as we wish it goodwill in continuing its path in whatever way it is called.

Hunden skäller, men karavanen drar förbi.

Ordo Astrum Sophia College of Thrones

The House of the Winged Serpent
Summer Solstice 2007


April 2007

 The House of the Phoenix, Toronto Ontario Canada, has rejoined the Astrum Sophia.


March 22, 2007

 The House of Thoth was formally established in the Malvern Hills, located in the West Midlands, United Kingdom. The House serves the U.K. and Ireland through its dedication to the Ogdoadic Tradition of the Western Mysteries and its commitment to manifesting the ambience of the Glorious Star.


June 6, 2006

 Ordo Astrum Sophiae will be launching an online journal in late 2006 or early 2007, to be published biannually: The Ogdoadic Journal of the Western Mysteries, Sun Lion Publications, The Ordo Astrum Sophiae. This will be a cooperative venture of the Order, intended to broaden the scope of available Ogdoadic material to the community at large. The journal will be an open service to the Ogdoadic, Western Mystery Tradition, presenting articles and material on topics such as “Defining the Ogdoadic Tradition,” “The Constellation of the Worshipped of the A.S.,” “The Regenerative Mysteries,” “Symbolism of the Ogdoadic Tradition,” “The Holy Guardian Angel: Its Quest and Fulfillment,” and “Ogdoadic Ritual Magic.” The majority of material will be taken from the Order’s internal journal, The Messenger.


March 22, 2006

 The House of Mithras is established in Brussels and is now accepting serious inquires. The Chiefs of the House have been dedicated practitioners of Ogdoadic magic for thirty years and are fluent in English, Swedish, German and French. 


July 2005

 The Citadel of the Ouroboros in Seattle, Washington, was granted House status within the Ordo Astrum Sophiae. The House of the Ouroboros is committed to the advancement of the Ogdoadic Tradition and the work of the Glorious Star. Contact and workings are offered in Seattle, Washington and Eugene, Oregon.


March 21, 2005

 The House of Mithras was established in France.


January 23, 2005

The House of the Green Lion, under the direction of Tom Worrel, became a Sovereign Commandery of the Ordo Astrum Sophiae.


December 21,2004


 On December 21,2004, the Commandery of the Winged Serpent in Minnesota separated from the Aurum Solis.  We will continue our work within the Ordo Astrum Sophiae, a contacted initiatory Order expressing itself in and through the greater Ogdoadic Tradition.

Although the Winged Serpent no longer operates within the Order Aurum Solis, our grade structure, practices, teachings and rites of initiation remain the same.  We have retained the full scope of established Aurum Solis workings within our current system, and remain a descendent of the Aurum Solis spiritual lineage.  Ordo Astrum Sophiae operates under a Charter of Spiritual Succession, granted by the Aurum Solis Grand Commandery in2002 to William Stoltz, the Master of the Winged Serpent.

Ordo Astrum Sophiae, with William Stoltz as the presiding Grand Master, has ratified constitutional and administrative structures to meet its distinctive needs and vision. 

Ordo Astrum Sophiae will continue conducting traditional Aurum Solis studies and practices and encouraging serious research into the Ogdoadic Tradition of the Western Mysteries.  We will also continue uninterruptedly with the induction of initiates and the advancement of existing Companions.  As a vehicle of the Divine Alchemy, we are committed to the ideals of the Great Work and to the manifestation of the Glorious Star of Regeneration.


April 28, 2001

 The House of the Winged Serpent is Consecrated by the rite set down in Sacratio Templi, in the Light of the Glorious Star, In Minneapolis / St. Paul, MN. The Winged Serpent is a continuation of the original House founded by Melita Denning and Osborne Phillips after moving to the United States.


November 1, 1999

 The Commandery of the Winged Serpent was reactivated in Minneapolis, MN., with William Stoltz as Master, by authority of Osborne Phillips the presiding Grand Master of the Aurum Solis.